Celebrity Plastic Surgery: the good and the terrible

We all know that a lot of celebrities abuse plastic surgery and we all have different opinions about it.
I decided to make a post showing in the first part the little changes that made a difference in a good way, and in the other part you'll find the ones that aren't exactrly the most successful results.

Blake Lively clearly changed something about her nose and with just one little change she turned into one of the most beautiful women on earth!

Scarlett Johansson changed something about her nose too, didn't she?

Some people say that Kim Kardashian looks so different because of her famous contouring, some think that she has used some plastic surgery. In any of the cases she really did change and she actually improved the way she looks, don't you think?

Wanna find out who are the other celebrities who used plastic surgery to look better? Check out the second part of the post!

In this second part I'm going to show you some plastic surgeries that well.. didn't go right.

I'm really sorry for putting Megan Fox on this list because she used to be a really beautiful girl until she fell in the plastic-surgery-trick.
You can't blame me for putting her on this list!

I don't even have to explain why Donatella Versace is on this list.

I have always liked the fresh look Lindsay Lohan always had, until she lost it.

Nikki Cox may have gone a little too far, didn't she?

Obviously it's terrible if somebody gets excessive and ruins their face, but I don't see anything wrong with changing something that you don't like about your face. One's looks does contribute to overall happiness, so if it makes one happier to have a better looking nose or whatever, who am I to judge? 
What do you say?


From the same writer


